• print and digital studio

What's your Currency?

This unique journal site explores how others have conquered the gripping times of the recession that morphed into a site that showcases examples of emotional currencies: love, freedom, courage, innovation, hope and connection. I first worked with Remy's site by simply editing the original build. A few years later when screen standards had changed she decided a revamp was needed. Phase II brought in a client portal easing costs for new additions and changes. This distinctive site pushes past standard gallery template, showcasing gorgeous real stories leaving you to ponder your own currency. thecurrencyproject.com

Visual Connections

Visual Connections is a global networking event bringing together buyers with suppliers of visual media.

What began as design collateral support evolved into a long-distance friendship spanning over 15 years. The best part of working with this client was stepping away from the studio and heading into NYC to see everything come together; being connected with those that I'd been engaged with around the clock virtually months prior. Being physically present in the end was an exhausting rush — working, connecting, finding new sources of stock, learning and engaging with people one on one.